

nyssa -听起来很老套, 教育工作者正在为下一代管理世界做准备, 据尼萨小学的新校长说, 肖恩·普拉特.



普拉特说 the ability to read proficiently is vital to a student’s success in other subjects. 如果学生看不懂书面材料, 他说, 他们会努力学习数学, 科学, 或者其他话题.

有了这些,他说一切都从早期识字开始,这一直是州长的重点. 蒂娜Kotek. 今年早些时候, 俄勒冈州议员拨款1.5亿美元支持教师培训, 早期学习课程和小学阅读课程.

With funds just going out to districts in late August, programs will not take shape until next year.

同时, 普拉特, a longtime educator 谁 came to Nyssa after spending 10 years as the principal and superintendent of a public charter school in Boise, said he believes the role of a teacher is to support parents in teaching their children.

这是帮助父母的一个方法, 他说, 是鼓励他们给年幼的孩子读书, 尤其是3-5岁的孩子, 情的学生. Parents 谁 read to their children will increase their vocabulary by hundreds of thousands of words, 普拉特说.

A 2019 study out of the Ohio State University Department of Educational Studies found that kids 谁se parents read one book a day to their children will have heard nearly 300,5岁前学会5000字. 与此同时, the study found that those kids 谁se parents had not read to them at all were exposed to under 5,000个单词.

普拉特说 his experience with growing up with a mother 谁 used to read to him and the positive outcomes borne out in the research is why he is so passionate about reading to young children. Those first few years of school are crucial for a kid when it comes to learning how to read, 普拉特说.

普拉特说,他担心的是K-3年级关键的四年窗口期, 三年级的阅读被认为是一个重要的里程碑. An abundance of research has established that students 谁 are not adept at reading by fourth grade struggle academically and are prone to drop out of high school.

An athletic trainer at North Medford High School before being recruited to teach freshman health education, 普拉特 changed his career path and made the move to education while in his senior year at Southern Oregon University (then a state college) where he earned a bachelor’s degree in sports medicine and a master’s in health education in 1995. 在那之前, 他说 he had no intention of getting into education and had planned on becoming a physical therapist. 至少,他开玩笑说,他就是这样让他的图书管理员妻子嫁给他的.

在他下定决心之前, 他打电话给他父亲, a career elementary school teacher 谁 taught for over 30 years in the Eugene School District, 寻求建议.

他的父亲告诉他,人生有好有坏, and he would have an opportunity to make a difference in students’ lives and influence the directions they take in life.


普拉特说,教育一直是他生活的一部分. He said growing up his dad would take him on field trips to the Oregon Health and Science University and the Newport Aquatic Center.

就像他妈妈在他成长过程中做的那样, 普拉特说他给他的孩子们和孙子们读书. 他的第四个也在路上了.

普拉特最后回到了他的家乡, 在克雷斯韦尔中学任教, 在那里他是一名科学与健康教师和户外pg电子游戏试玩主任. 在教了五年的书之后, 普拉特进入了行政部门, 他先后在乌马蒂拉和赫米斯顿担任校长.

普拉特, 从俄勒冈大学获得行政管理证书的人, said he got into administration at the elementary school level to help improve literacy in schools.

作为一名管理员,他说, “我们每天的目标就是帮助这些孩子学习阅读.”

和全州其他地区没什么不同, 普拉特在尼萨会有很多工作要做, 在39.6%的三年级学生能够熟练阅读,比俄勒冈州的39%高出两个百分点.从28%上升到4%.根据9月11日周四公布的国家数据,到2022年将达到2%. 21.

普拉特说 his goal is to work with the Nyssa staff to help increase the student’s capability and confidence so that they know how to use “word attack” strategies whereby a reader recognizes the phonemes that form a word, 知道它的意义, 在上下文中识别它,并理解它在句子中是否被正确使用. 孩子们必须培养这些技能才能成为成功的读者.

具备这些技能, 普拉特说, allows educators to teach kids about character and instills confidence as they go out into the world and believe in their abilities to get a decent job, 上大学, 或者是职业pg电子游戏试玩.

普拉特意识到马勒尔县面临的挑战, 儿童贫困率在哪里, 由国家来衡量, is 36%, 俄勒冈州最差. 而政府机构, 非营利组织和像他这样的教育者试图改变这种状况, 有限的预算和人员使得难以取得有意义的成果.

He said poverty can be an obstacle if one allows it, but it can also be an opportunity for growth.


普拉特说他见过杰米·埃斯卡兰特, a former East Los Angeles high school teacher 谁se students passed an Advanced Placement calculus exam in 1982 but were later accused of cheating. Escalante’s students were later vindicated in a retest when 12 of the 14 谁 were suspected of cheating took the test and passed.

普拉特说他问了埃斯卡兰特, 谁是1988年电影《pg电子游戏试玩》(Stand and Deliver)的主角,“教育贫困学生最重要的是什么.

According to 普拉特, Escalante, 谁 died in 2010, told him to forget poverty and educate the kids.

普拉特说了和埃斯卡兰特的对话, 谁, 像普拉特, 在一个贫困的地方教书, 以西班牙裔为主的社区, 我和他有同感, 对于普拉特, it’s about removing those “labels” society that society uses that ultimately hold people back from recognizing their full potential.

“我看着孩子,”他说. “我看着这个家庭. 我应该认识那个孩子. 我应该知道他们的需求. 我应该知道你的长处在哪里. I should know what is needed and necessary with the help of the parents and just teach the kid.”

He said that educators don’t need labels like “poverty” stopping them from teaching kids.

尽管如此, 普拉特说 he understands there are challenges families come up against when it comes to educating children. He said poverty, addiction, divorce, single-parent households, and other issues are among them. 

He said the goal is to offer support to help alleviate those impediments for the parents when the school can.

8月, 普拉特 secured a grant from a national nonprofit that allowed educators to hand out backpacks filled with school supplies at the school’s back-to-school night.

本月初, 普拉特开始了他每月与父母的谈话, 被称为“牛头狗讲话”,以妮莎的吉祥物命名, 的斗牛犬. 他说,这次会议吸引了一些家长,但引发了一场讨论, 让他有机会了解他们了解他们想从pg电子游戏试玩得到什么.

他说,下一次是10月10日星期二. 下午6点起.m. 到晚上7点.m. 在小学体育馆. 他说,pg电子游戏试玩将提供日托服务,并会派一名翻译. 

随着pg电子游戏试玩变得高度政治化, 普拉特说,他认识到会谈可能触及热点问题. 作为校长,他的工作就是倾听人们认为重要的事情.

普拉特在疫情最严重的时候说, pg电子游戏试玩停课, 掩蔽和疫苗问题, 他必须听到“好”, 坏的和丑的.”

“我只是想听听, process it and then come up with a plan that would be most effective based on what I was hearing from my community and what I was hearing from the best 科学 and staying within the best practice to protect all kids,普拉特说.

他想把同样的心态带到每月的家长会议上——倾听, 提出问题,并将他的计划建立在对地区最有利的基础上.

“Instead of always being the focal point of the answer,他说, “I want answers from the parents.”

肖恩·普拉特, 尼萨小学的新校长, encourages young children 谁 are racing down a bouncy house slide during the Nyssa Elementary School Carnival, 星期五, 9月. 29. (《pg电子游戏哪个平台好》/帕特·考德威尔)
肖恩·普拉特, 尼萨小学的新校长, 在尼萨小学嘉年华上与一名年轻学生交谈, 星期五, 9月. 29. (《pg电子游戏哪个平台好》/帕特·考德威尔).
肖恩·普拉特, 尼萨小学的新校长, 在Nyssa小学嘉年华上,她和一群孩子一起狂欢, 星期五, 9月. 29. (《pg电子游戏哪个平台好》/帕特·考德威尔)

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